President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni earlier on took the initiative and congratulated the Armed Forces, the Security Forces and the Wanainchi, for foiling or not participating in the bad demonstration that was planned for Tuesday.
he further explained in details that, that demonstration, had two bad elements. Element no.1, was funding from foreign sources that are always meddling in the internal affairs of Africa for the last 600 years ─ slave trade, colonialism, neo-colonialism, genocide, economic exploitation, etc. All those involved, should know that Uganda is not a neo-colony where those shallow schemes can be deployed.
The second element, was that some of the authors and participants of the demonstrations, were planning very bad things against the people of Uganda. Those very bad things, will come out in court when those arrested are being tried. It is possible, that some of the participants, did not know of the planned foreign funding and the planned bad things. That is why, they should have listened to the police’s advice, not to go on with the demonstration but they rubbished the police advice.
He concluded by saying, if it was a patriotic, anti-corruption, peaceful demonstration, coordinated with the Police, He would have been the first to join.
wise words to the wise person at the right time