By Proud Gishu
SSPA Nameere’s Introduction and Wedding Preparations in High Gear!
It was pomp and VVIPs at Nameere Justine’s Kukyaala as her Sweet Heart Kennedy Ham Nsubuga visited her parents’ home in Lukaya Kalungu District.
The confident, no nonsense, brilliant, beautiful and workaholic Nameere Justine is the Senior Presidential Advisor on Greater Masaka Region and a Lawyer by Profession. She is a daughter to the Minister of Defense and Veteran Affairs Honorable Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja who was seen in a very joyous mood as he celebrated his daughter’s love and marriage.
Dignitaries like the Vice President Emeritus Edward Kiwanuka His Excellency Ssekandi, the RPC Greater Masaka Alfred Bamgambaki, the RISO Captain James Katarangi, Masaka City RCC Hudu Hussein, Deputy RCC Naava Masituula, Rakai RDC Sarah Kiyimba who was also Justine’s matron were in attendance together with other RDCs and Deputies as well as big wigs from the NRM party. The Office of The President was fully present with Seniors like Special Presidential Assistant Fridah Lubega and a delegation of investors from Italy. Senior Presidential Advisors like Hon Immaculate Pipino were in attendance and Hon Catherine Kusaasiira who attended in her official capacity not as a musician although due to public demand she eventually entertained the excited crowd. Several people wondered that if the Kukyaala was that big what will the Kwanjula and wedding look like? The Honorable Minister Ssempijja apologized to the public that he did all it took to keep the Kukyaala small as tradition dictates but being a man of the people and also considering his daughter is a politician and TV personality, the numbers defeated him and the Kukyaala turned out too big.
The Greater Masaka region is now in high spirits and vibes as several people prepare for Nameere’s maiden launch for her introduction and wedding. Nameere is an on ground politician who is in touch with all corners of the Greater Masaka region therefore huge numbers are expected at her launch!
Recently during the Presidential Zonal tour, His Excellency The President recognized her efforts and directed all people of Greater Masaka to run to her for any issues that they want followed up to His Office or different Government offices. Several people feel like they need to reward the great works of Hon Minister Ssempijja through supporting his daughter Nameere but at the same time keep close to the rising star that Nameere has become on the National Political scene!
A number of people have been heard advising Honorable Minister Ssempijja to consider putting Nameere’s Kwanjula in a stadium or public square because they both hold huge numbers of followers, fans, supporters, friends, colleagues and well wishers who might out number his expectations and over whelm his compound in Lukaya Kapere Cell, come 13th January 2024 the day set for her Kwanjula.
Hon Minister Vincent Ssempijja is a grand child and heir to Bulayimu Kapere a former Chief, a staunch Catholic and highly respected figure in the Catholic Church and who was a personal friend to Pope John Paul the Second! The Minister’s Village Kapere is named after his grand father plus schools and Churches in the area therefore it looks like the family has a history of leadership which flows into generations ahead.
Kennedy Nsubuga, Nameere’s Sweet Papa as she refers to him in her posts and interviews, is humble handsome young man who was recently recruited by Uganda Railways in their new structure.
We wish the couple the best and we shall keep you posted about the new developments in this love story and mikolo!